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knugen's News

Posted by knugen - April 26th, 2008

So I decided to run a little contest, as I myself is totally incompetent at animating ;P

More info can be found here. You can express your opinions about it, ask questions, etc. either here or in that thread :)

Posted by knugen - April 8th, 2008

Even though my last post is not very old, it's still outdated as the problem I wrote about have been resolved.. So therefore I figured that I might as well write about this very special event that most users never get to experience: Exp. Rank #: 1,337 ! ^__^

Yeah, I know it's not that big of a deal really.. But still :)

Exp. Rank #: 1,337

Posted by knugen - March 28th, 2008

So about a week ago I came home to my mum's, went on the computer and headed for NG.. Or, tried, at least; I ended up with good old 'The page could not be found'-message. As I have had this problem before sometimes when using Firefox, I tried it in Internet Explorer instead, but to my big disappointment the same error occurred there as well.

So I made some research, and it turns out that Telia (my ISP) and Cogent (which I don't know much about, but I guess that most of you guys do) had an argument over something, and it ended up with Cogent pulling the plug on Telia, causing 'black holes' on the Internet for anyone with Cogent or Telia.. and apparently Newgrounds servers is on Cogent :(

Desperate to get my daily dose of NG, as well as adding Nicholas-Deary to my portal buddies for a game that we were to release the same day, I tried out proxies. I didn't have much luck though, all proxies that I tried allowed me to get on the site, but due to lack of support for AJAX (I believe), I could barely use any of the functions on the site.

Now I'm at my dad's, where we have another ISP, again for a week . So for now I'm fine, but when I get back to my mum's next Friday.. No NG for me :(

If anybody's interested in "Telia-Cogent spat" you can read more here: http://gigaom.com/2008/03/14/the-telia -cogent-spat-could-ruin-web-for-many/

So yeah, if anybody wonders why I don't answers PM's or something, now you know why this probably is :/

(One last note: I heard that another consequence due to this was that Cogent users couldn't play WoW, as Blizzard's servers are hosted on Telia.. Rather hilarious, imo XD )

Apparently this issue has now been solved, thanks Forgetthename who brought me these terrific news :)

Posted by knugen - February 24th, 2008


So me and my friend's site KungFuGaming has finally been totally redesigned. Go check it out and I'll love you forever ;)

Also, the very same friends just released a little game that will help promote the site: Go and check out that as well!

Comments are always appreciated :)

Posted by knugen - December 4th, 2007

I was a bit worried that I might have lost my privilege to post news on the front page when the rules changed, it turns out that I still have it though with the difference that I can only post every 14 days ;)

So, to my big surprise my, latest game (Battle Tank) made it onto the front page. I was very surprised as it got there about a day after the awards for the day I submitted it was handed out (and it barely made the top 10), I thought it was forgotten about long ago.

A part of me wish it were though.. I agree with most of the reviews saying that it has many flaws, that it's boring, repetitive, etc. I think that I started this project in February, and from the very beginning I had many things that I planned to add which would improve it. But these motivation drops that I have had so much trouble with for a while now made that impossible, the game was put on hold and after a while I just wanted to forget about it. I felt that I didn't want all those hours spent on it to just get lost though, so eventually I finished it and made sure it was at least somewhat decent so that I could forget about it and move on. The fact that much of it is really old and way worse than I would be able to make today prevents me from being all happy about getting the front page, I'm well aware of things that could be improved on it, but people wont know that. Now, I may not have that a big reputation to care about, but that's still how I feel about it ;)

Anyhow, enough about old stuff and on to current. My main project now is a sequel to OrbMania; it basically has the same gameplay as the original, but I'm adding as many features as I can think of, like levels, powerups (and downs), fancy effects and more :) The game is already coming along well, I might very well use my next front page post in two weeks to find people who can beta test ;) My plan after the end of this project is to finally get on learning Actionscript 3, which I'm really looking forward to.

In other news. I'm making my own website, which will be sort of a portfolio with a blog thingy.. Original, ey? ;) Anyhow, working on this site has really made me motivated to redo almost the whole of the current kungfugaming.com-site, the making of my site will most be a bit of a 'warm-up' as I never made any this size before. Actually, I never made any site at all before, just small parts XP

So now you know a bit of what I will be doing over the holidays, maybe there's even one or two of you out there who cares ;)

Random nice stuff:
-I just ordered a XBOX 360 :) If anybody wants to play me on COD4 just give me a shout and once I've gotten used to playing FPS with controller we can take a match or two.
-Got to level 25 yesterday, the icon for this level is pretty neat I think :)
-Battle Tank won the bonus for being one of the three best games in November in MaxGames contest. . The thing was just that nobody else entered last month ^^,

Posted by knugen - December 1st, 2007

I can't really say that I'm all satisfied with this game, but I'm glad that I was able to finish this really old project despite all the drops in motivation I had for it..

Go play it! And vote fiv.. eh, fair! :D

Posted by knugen - November 19th, 2007

Me and two friends are making a game site (those few of you who have been reading my previous news posts probably know of this project), and now finally a beta has been released! :D There is still loads to be done and countless of errors (some small and some big) that needs fixing, but this is a big step for us :)

Go check it out: KungFuGaming.com!

As you can see the site doesn't have that much content yet, but this is where you can help us! If you have a game (you must be one of the authors) that you would let us use for the site, just give me the link in a comment or PM me. Please note that we try to keep our standard pretty high, so in order to even take a look at the game we want it to have at least 3.50 in score on NG, although many games below 3.70-3.80 wont make it on the site either.

Thanks for reading :)


Posted by knugen - November 13th, 2007

If you think that this sounds like something that you might be interested in joining you can check out this thread :)


So I came up with this the other day. I started working on the sequel for OrbMania, but instead of just building onto the old engine I decided to make a new one to prevent the lag as well as make it more dynamic for levels and all that stuff. For many of the things that needed to be done I found that API was a good solution, and so the idea was born to make the whole game in API and eventually also the idea to make a collab consisting of games made only with code (sorry animators :P). I've thought some more about this and I think that it would be pretty awesome doing a collab with 6-8 games with a file size of only a few hundred kb or so :)

So the reason I'm writing this is to ask you guys what you think of it?

Also, I'm not really sure how we should do with sounds if this collab is being made. It's really boring playing games without sounds, but I would prefer if the file size of the final thing is as low as possible and it would be cool to be able to say that the number of objects in the library was absolutely zero =) A pretty good solution I came up with was that the sounds could be loaded externally, although I don't know if this might be considered cheating..

I know that the Flash forum is completely flooded with collabs, but at least this is an original idea (I haven't heard of anything similar at least?) and game collabs is very rare.

So, thoughts? :)

Posted by knugen - November 10th, 2007


Some of you might know of an old project of mine which I called 'Tanks'. I started it like 9-10 months ago and I was able to finish most of the game engine and also much of the graphics, but then I put it on delay due to all I had to do in school. Eventually I had the time again to work on it again, but just a quick glance at the old code that I wrote several months ago made my motivation drop to a level lower than I thought was possible and I laid it aside with the intention of letting it be.

But now, another few months later, I have convinced myself that it's actually not much that needs to be done until it's finished and after forcing myself to read through all my old code and remember what it all does I actually enjoy working on it again and it's now really close to being fully finished :)

But enough history :P The reason I'm writing this is that I want beta testers to try it out. I would like a few people who will be able to give me feedback, mostly on the balancing of the game, but also about glitches and other stuff that needs to be improved. Everybody who makes a good job giving me feedback will for sure get a spot in the credits :)

Here you can see the alpha I submitted for it ages ago. If you're interested in testing the game as it is now, please say and I will send you a link either later today or sometime tomorrow :)

Peace out! :)

I have now sent the link to about 15 people and I think that will be more than enough, so no more testers are needed at this time.

Posted by knugen - October 24th, 2007

The Halloween Game Collab 07 is out!

It has been an intense day for me and Nicholas-Deary to finish our game in time. It's still not 100% finished, but it had to be good enough. We will probably make an update for it tomorrow though.

Our game is called 'Dark Depths', and you can see the collab here :D


EDIT: 7IsUnlucky is feeling a little bit upset due to the fact that I keep owning him. You can see the result of his rage in the comments below :)