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KungFuGaming.com: Beta released! Want your game on it?

Posted by knugen - November 19th, 2007

Me and two friends are making a game site (those few of you who have been reading my previous news posts probably know of this project), and now finally a beta has been released! :D There is still loads to be done and countless of errors (some small and some big) that needs fixing, but this is a big step for us :)

Go check it out: KungFuGaming.com!

As you can see the site doesn't have that much content yet, but this is where you can help us! If you have a game (you must be one of the authors) that you would let us use for the site, just give me the link in a comment or PM me. Please note that we try to keep our standard pretty high, so in order to even take a look at the game we want it to have at least 3.50 in score on NG, although many games below 3.70-3.80 wont make it on the site either.

Thanks for reading :)



Thats a freakin AWESOME user pic, bro. I fuckin LOVE it.

Thanks :)

if i ever get my game finished and get a great score i'll come to you

Definitely do :D

Looking great man, nice site :)
Hope the Google ads work out for ya man, I haven't had much luck with them :<
I've only made around 4 in the past couple months and I've had around 60,000 views.
Maybe I was doing something wrong...hrmm.
But yeah cool site, looking forward to seeing it finished, I wish the best of luck to you guys with it, hope it becomes really successful. It's always cool to see a bunch of good friends working on something big :)

Any chance of Paperplane Madness getting up on the site. lol, I know it's not the greatest of games, so it's cool if ya don't :P

Cheers man ^^

Thanks :)

We haven't really decided on Google ads yet, those that are on the site now is fake XD We probably will use them though, the thing is that it's hard to earn a lot with a flash site because the visitors are always on the same page while on a normal site they go to different pages pretty often and thereby there'll be many more views. Four bucks does seem very low though, maybe it has something to do with the placement? ^^

We still have loads of really good games that we can add to the site, Paperplane Madness isn't really top quality but if we run low on other games and feel that we need to update it's definitely a possibility :)

I love your site I like Feudalism and everything else but does this mean you wont be on the BBS I mean you helped me and alot of people in the Flash Forum and NG will be losing one of it's best people. Keep up the good work and please dont leave the Flash Forum.

It's really nice to hear that I'm appreciated, but you don't have to worry though, I strongly doubt that running this site will prevent me in any way from keep coming to the Flash forum :)

The site is good. But...

How can it compete with any other flash website? It has nothing that NG doesnt have, so why would anyone prefer your over another?

The way it is now I don't expect it to be able to compete with pretty much anything. It's definitely true when you say that it haven't got anything that NG doesn't, but that's just it! NG has all the great stuff, but also all the crappy. I don't know about you, but I usually don't go here if I have a break and want to play something for just a few minutes, just due to the fact that finding something worth my while can take those few minutes.

Our goal is to only have the highest quality games, and when it comes to competing against other gaming sites we will try to have a nicer looking design with less ads :) We still have loads of stuff to do with the site though until we're there though, and I'm even thinking of a complete redesign before that happens :P