I'm a Swedish plumber, I'm here to fix your pipes


Codin 'n stuffs


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knugen's News

Posted by knugen - November 26th, 2022

Update: Code is taken; congrats to LieutenantMolotov!


Hello there Newgrounds!

I have a $10 Nintendo gift card code that's available in the US store only, and since I'm EU-based I can't use it myself.

I figured I would make it a mini-quest. Figure out the missing characters, claim the code, and please let us know in the comments if you managed to snatch it!

Code: B__XBN5*5JYRD..5

__ = The legal drinking age in Sweden

* = The first letter (upper-case) of the current King of the Portal's username

.. = The first two letters (upper-case) of the game at the center of a popular 2020 Netflix show, starring Anya Taylor-Joy



Posted by knugen - April 8th, 2016

Woah, Newgrounds. It's been a while!

But! I finally feel like I have something to share again after quite a few years of having a dayjob, and with that little time for my own projects. It's not a "proper" game that I can submit to the portal unfortunately, but a web app/game that you might like if you're into HearthStone. Check it out, and let me know what you think!



Posted by knugen - April 25th, 2013

I just wrote a blog article on knugen.com with some updates on my freelancing "progress". I'm pasting it here below as well, but read out of context my jibberish probably makes even less sense :D


My freelancing venture
The purpose of this blog (apart from populating this site with basically anything after having it just lying around empty for years...) was to cover my switch from employment to freelancing. I was lucky enough to receive a project from my former employer right away, meaning I had the rest of 2012 secured financially. Or at least that is what I thought.

Me and the client (my former employer) went into the project with nothing but trust for each other, and although there's always room for improvement I was very satisfied with the way I handled the project all the way to delivery. Unfortunately I can not say the same about the client who had economical problems, and instead of speaking frankly with me fed me lies and false promises to stall the invoice payment. During this time I was very short on money, and I had a trip booked for Dubai which the travel agency messed up and cancelled (turned out to be fortunate in the end, since I really couldn't afford it because of the unpaid invoice).

In the end I received the payment 1,5 months after it was due. I am really not one for burning bridges, but at this point I had had it with this client and ended our business relationship with a few well chosen (well...) words. Coincidentally, last week they went bankrupt. Good riddance.

Despite the bitter taste this client and former employer had left in my mouth, I still value the experience because of the lessons learned!

Lesson 1:
Establish a contract, no matter who you are dealing with.

Despite knowing and trusting the client in the beginning, we made a huge mistake in not writing a contract. I doubt it could have been used to get my payment any earlier, but with a proper contract in place and not just oral agreements the client would have had less bullshitting options for stalling the invoice.

Lesson 2:

Not much of a shocker really. You need money to survive, and if you are dependent on invoices being on time as a freelancer you are on thin ice. Apart from just surviving, I would have loved to have spare cash for some lawyer advice on contracts. I was never comfortable finding new clients because I had so little legal knowledge.

Moving on
This project has basically been my only source of freelancing income since October. Because of the implications I was quite tired of it all about as quick as it had begun, and I went looking for employment again. I had some promising interviews in a bigger city (Gothenburg) and was looking forward to a change of scenery, but I didn't get the job I wanted the most and instead I received an interesting job offer from Vera & John (an online casino) here in Skövde. I ended up taking it, and I have been working there for about three months.

My freelancing firm is still alive and kicking as well, with some interesting projects around the corner. I will follow up this post with more details... Some day! :)

Posted by knugen - February 16th, 2013

Posted by knugen - January 25th, 2013



Posted by knugen - October 26th, 2012

Well it sure has taken its sweet time, but it's finally up!

Here's hoping I have motivation to keep the blog updated.. ;)

Posted by knugen - September 5th, 2012

Heya :)

I'm considering moving from my full time job as a web developer to freelancing! So, do you or anyone you know need a website of some sort, a portfolio for your cool Flash work perhaps? :)

I recently set up my portfolio site here. It's in Swedish but you get the idea :P

Let me know by PM if you are interested! Please note however that since I'm trying to make a legitimate business out of this I have to charge accordingly, meaning there needs to be a budget of at least $250 for me to actually consider taking on a project. I will of course give some discount for my dear NG peers though ;)

Posted by knugen - February 28th, 2012

I stopped updating my list because I'm more or less inactive on NG nowadays. Sorry :|

LiquidFire was nice enough to take over though! The list can now be found HERE!

Posted by knugen - July 27th, 2011

Posted by knugen - May 11th, 2011

I never really did understand what's supposed to be so great with Twitter, but I opened up an account today and I must say I'm pleasantly surprised :D

I don't know how much I will tweet myself, but in case you would like to follow me my profile is here. The tweets I do make should mostly be about stuff I'm working on, such as the game I showed in my last post. When I open stuff up for beta testing I will most certainly announce it on there as well, and perhaps there will be small contests every now and then ;D
