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API Game Collab?

Posted by knugen - November 13th, 2007

If you think that this sounds like something that you might be interested in joining you can check out this thread :)


So I came up with this the other day. I started working on the sequel for OrbMania, but instead of just building onto the old engine I decided to make a new one to prevent the lag as well as make it more dynamic for levels and all that stuff. For many of the things that needed to be done I found that API was a good solution, and so the idea was born to make the whole game in API and eventually also the idea to make a collab consisting of games made only with code (sorry animators :P). I've thought some more about this and I think that it would be pretty awesome doing a collab with 6-8 games with a file size of only a few hundred kb or so :)

So the reason I'm writing this is to ask you guys what you think of it?

Also, I'm not really sure how we should do with sounds if this collab is being made. It's really boring playing games without sounds, but I would prefer if the file size of the final thing is as low as possible and it would be cool to be able to say that the number of objects in the library was absolutely zero =) A pretty good solution I came up with was that the sounds could be loaded externally, although I don't know if this might be considered cheating..

I know that the Flash forum is completely flooded with collabs, but at least this is an original idea (I haven't heard of anything similar at least?) and game collabs is very rare.

So, thoughts? :)


Very nice idea! I actually made a mini API game a while ago that I could convert for this collab - <a href="http://john.tringham.co.uk/String%20-%20bee.html">http://john.tringham.co.uk/String%20-
%20bee.html</a> .

I would join, and make a couple more games other than that.

Cool :D

sounds like a really cool idea!
im in.

Nice :)

By reading your news post I remember something that probably will be a big issue though; the versions of AS that everybody's using :/ I still use AS2, but I figure that most of the people who are 'skilled' enough to make a game in with API might already have moved on to AS3..

api is awesome! you should make a colab with a seriez of mini games. i got one goin myself, but its not near done. send me a pm and ile get it in to you.

Sure :) What version of AS are you using?

DreamworX sez: Meh, no one reads this stuff anyway ;)

I read it. =3


Those messages may not be all unnecessary then I guess ;)

I like the idea, but I don't make flash.

I am interested though. Hope it works out for you guys.

Thanks :) There were a few interested in joining, but it didn't seem like it was enough.. I will probably make another try after I've learned AS3 :)

Join my collab :)

Sorry man, as I said I don't really have time for that :P After thinking more about this API Collab I realized that I wont have time for that either really, that's why I did that thread (under the update) ;)