I'm a Swedish plumber, I'm here to fix your pipes


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knugen's News

Posted by knugen - August 5th, 2008


Left mouse - "Open"
Middle mouse or CTRL + Left mouse - Flag
Shift + Left mouse - Mark

It's not finished, you can't win or lose, but apart from that I think that all the features of the real game are present. Don't think there are any glitches either :)

Posted by knugen - July 31st, 2008

Unfortunately a lot of glitches has been showing up in very short time in my game Cheat2Win. Therefore I'm making another news post dedicated to the game, but here I want solely glitch reports (any other discussion about the game goes here), as detailed as you can please.

I have made a few updates on the game now and think that I at least got the bigger glitches reported, I'll keep this open still though in case anything else turns up.

Posted by knugen - July 31st, 2008

Play the game here!

Report glitches



Due to lack of a better solution, I've set up this news post as a place where you can discuss the game and help each other out if you can't get past a level.

If the hints provided here doesn't help you, here is a quick guide! Please keep this news post spoiler-free (give hints, but make sure they are not too obvious!), if you want to post other ways of beating a level do so in the guide thread.

Posted by knugen - July 29th, 2008

I have decided for a few testers now and I contacted them by PM. At the moment I don't plan on taking in more testers, but if are interested if the door for any reason opens again leave me a comment :)


So, as I announced in my last news post I have a new game coming up, and I'm now far enough into development to have it tested.

I am limiting the number of testers to about 4-5 people. I want people who have a very good understanding of Flash and the Flash Player in particular, and I want at least one of them to be a Mac user so that I can get help testing stuff that I can't do on my own.

If you think that you have what it takes, post a comment saying so and I will choose and contact some of you by PM later today.

All testers will be credited, perhaps not in the game (it's a little bit tight with space as I have the credits in a corner of the main menu), but at least in the author's comment!

Posted by knugen - July 23rd, 2008

Well, at least for about a month.. I am using "cell phone broadband" as I can't get the real deal here until October or something (for some reason that I don't quite understand), but as this form of broadband is very unstable I have decided to make use of the warranty that allows you to return it within a month if you don't like it. I'm keeping it for as long as I can though, it's better than nothing :P

So, I was hoping to be able to make quite a lot Flash while I was offline, but my usual summer motivation drop struck me instantly :/ I was finally able to work for the first time about a week ago, coding NGP3 has high priority but as I had no internet I couldn't communicate with Nick and therefore I decided to make use of my will to make Flash by getting to work on a smaller project that I've been thinking about doing for a while. The main idea of it is, as far as I know, completely original so I won't tell you what it is now.. Like I said though, it's a small project, and it should be finished in just a few days if I can keep my motivation up, so hang in there ;)

Posted by knugen - June 27th, 2008

Yeah, I just moved to my own apartment.. It might take a while before I get broadband there so you might not see much of me for some time ;P

More info comes later if anyone's interested, now I have to go move stuff :3

Posted by knugen - June 17th, 2008

..and hi to knugen!

Yeah, I decided to change my alias since it was really unoriginal and I grew to hate myself more and more every day because I didn't change it before the username lockdown. Thanks to Tom though who where kind enough to do it for me now :D

A short explanation of what it means:
Kungen = the king in Swedish, and since the king of Sweden is dyslectic a jokingly way of saying it is knugen.

Posted by knugen - June 16th, 2008

Achievement Generator
I'm happy to say that my achievement generator have been quite the success, and that has inspired me to lay down more work and add more features to it. I won't have time to do that in a good while, since I tend to always have loads of projects going on, but if you have any suggestions I would be glad to hear them :)

Newgrounds Pass 3
Nicholas-Deary has begun to work on the third part of his very popular Newgrounds Pass series (links: NGP, NGP2). Nick's mainly an artist though, and since he wanted to take the series to the next level, he took me on board as the coder :)
I am currently doing some work on a chat for the game, it's not easy but with some more work I think I'll be able to make it functional :3
If there's anybody out there who knows much about socket servers though, and feel like helping, then it's much appreciated :)

The Office Spider Game (name not final)
You might have heard of danomano65's Office Spider series. The completion of the fifth part is not far away, and the sixth will be a game rather than an animation! I don't think I have to tell you who's doing the coding? :)

Apart from the stuff above I have at least 3-4 game ideas in mind, but I won't go into detail about them now. I have more than enough to do atm. If anyone's interested I will let you know more when I have made progress on them.

.. and that's all for now! This took quite a while to write, so you better care ;D

Posted by knugen - May 23rd, 2008

So here's just a little something I've been doing today instead of all the other stuff I need to (shool, flash projects, etc.). It's still in beta so if you find any bugs*, or have any suggestions, please let me know.


Oh, and please leave a comment with link(s) to your achievement(s) :D

Here is a list of my personal favorites (no particular order, updates every now and then):
http://achievementgen.superfreehost.in fo/view.php?ach=436
http://achievementgen.superfreehost.in fo/view.php?ach=226
http://achievementgen.superfreehost.in fo/view.php?ach=275
http://achievementgen.superfreehost.in fo/view.php?ach=268
http://achievementgen.superfreehost.in fo/view.php?ach=263
http://ach ievementgen.superfreehost.info/view.ph p?ach=1000
http://achievementgen.superfreehost.in fo/view.php?ach=1585

*If you find any bugs, please leave a comment stating which browser and which version of it you're using, as well as any other info you can provide.

Posted by knugen - April 27th, 2008

(Copied from my post in the contest thread)

I have said it before, I know, but I have been very happily surprised by the quality you guys have been able to bring forward in such very short time. I'm also happy to see that, while many of the entries were pretty similar, some pretty creative ones also were made.

Now, judging all of these entries has definitely not been an easy task; Most of the intros has at least something about them that I really liked, and that has also caused me to feel that only using one of these would be a major waste. Therefore I've decided to throw in a small prize for a second and third intro as well! :)

And now, without further ado, here are the final results:

#1 - ReNaeNae! Wins $13.97
There is not much to say here, even though there were many entries that were possible candidates for the first place, the professional look and three great sound effects made this a favorite of mine since I first saw it. Congrats ReNaeNae! :)

#2 - salted-tator-tot! Wins $10.00
STT was the first one to enter the competition, and he directly set a high standard for it. The people of NG seemed to like his entry, I was no exception, and it was enough for a second place!

#3 - vato! Wins $5.00
He based his idea around the alias, and made one of the more creative entries for this contest. That earns vato the third place!

So yeah, that's it. A huge thanks to everybody who participated, and I hope that people who didn't make it into the top three still can be happy for those who did ;)