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knugen's News

Posted by knugen - September 30th, 2007

Hey there!

I just yesterday started to work on a new game, it's less than 24 hours since I started working on it but somehow it's already finished, usually my games takes weeks to complete.. This one isn't quite as ambitious as many of my others, but still ^_^

Go check it out and vote fiv... eh, fair!

And yeah, that's all.. I really should go and get some sleep ;)

Posted by knugen - September 17th, 2007

According to MochiBot, my game PacMan Platform 2 have been played over 10 million times and have been on about 1,500 different sites :)

In other news, my current project (which I at least for the moment call 'Battle Wheel') is making some nice progress, this is what I have at the moment. I am really trying to make this a good as I possibly can, I hope to get even bigger success with this than I got with PP2 :) I have yet to decide whether or not to get someone to help me with graphics, I might go for some easy but still nice looking graphics that I can do myself.

End of news post :)

Posted by knugen - August 29th, 2007

Hey everybody, if anybody is interested I have a little update on what's going on here :)

As some of you might know (probably not though) I'm about to start a gaming website along with two friends as a part of a school project. This project means that we are actually starting a company which we will run for a while and then windup (don't know it that's the right word for it, that's what my dictionary said ^^).
We first had an idea of making an online RPG, but we soon realized that we probably don't have what it takes (yet ;D), so we decided that we will run a gaming website instead. We will make our own games, put up other great games and maybe eventually start sponsor games as well! If you have made any cool games which you will let us use drop me a pm or comment here :D
The name of the site were a big issue for us, but we think that we have come up with a good one now and I was thinking whether or not to ask for your opinion here as we have yet to buy the domain.. Although I would like to think that all Newgrounders are trustwhorty I wont take the risk of losing the domain to some dumb 13-year-old who thinks he will be able to sell it to us for half a fortune ;P

Moving on..
"The 101 Signs Collab" (which I guess really should be "The 10 Signs Collab" ;) is practically finished and we have an expected release date which is on Monday! This collab have been going since March or something and have had many delays for various reasons so it will feel really good to press that submit-button :)

I have decided to put the tank game, which I mentioned in an earlier news post, aside for now. Although the game engine is pretty much finished I just feel that I can't work on with it since I have improved a lot after I were last working this game a few months ago. I still think that I will finish it, but when I do I will probably redo much of the code and at this time I don't really feel like doing that, instead I have decided to start on a whole new game! This demo pretty much just shows the basic idea behind it, the engine as it is now feels a little bit glitchy so I'm thinking of putting more effort into it and make use of those physics lessons to improve it.

Comments are very welcome :D

Posted by knugen - August 9th, 2007


So yeah, today I turn 18 :) Coincidentally I have also released a game which I've made with two friends; GO AND GIVE IT A 5! (please :)

Also, the '101 signs collab' is not far from completion, there's a small chance that this might hit the portal today as well.. a very small chance that is :P

..and that's about it, thank you for reading!

Posted by knugen - July 17th, 2007

Well hello there :)

Due to lack of better things to write, here is the constantly growing list of my current projects:

Another old project which I will hopefully be able to pick up again soon as it is too close to completion to just throw away. I actually made an alpha for it, but lack of time and loads of work in school delayed it, now other projects have higher priority (suggestions is still greatly appreciated :D). If there are any artists out there who might be willing to do some graphics for this game give me a PM or a comment on this topic. You will get some of the sponsor money, and maybe co-author depending on the amount of work you contribute with.

I'm currently working on both a flash- and a 'normal' site, I think I'm gonna use the flash site temporarily until I know enough to make a normal one. If there's anybody out there who wants to help me out and make a not too complicated site pretty cheap(or for free ;D) just let me know :)

I think that's all of them, thank you for your time and feel free to leave a comment :D


PS. As you might notice I'm not that fund of making graphics, so if anybody wants to make me a banner to use on the top of my profile or a sig for the forums it would be greatly appreciated :D