I'm a Swedish plumber, I'm here to fix your pipes


Codin 'n stuffs


Joined on 2/7/05

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Can you remove the 0 seconds score please? I will be in first place if you do that. It took me three hours to try and get that score. Thanks.

I did the real way to cheat on level 9, and it still says failure.

Hmm, there's two I have:

When you have anti-cheat on, on level 2, I made it to the end and it told me I needed to cheat to win. I clicked okay, and it brought me all the way up to level 7. I needed to cheat the rest of the game.This glitch destroys the replay value.

when I go to submit my score, the scoreboard suddenly closes, which it sounds like it's supposed to do if you're a mac user.

On level 6, I think, the one that needs the secret... if you move just up to one of the moving blocks and then go really slow you can go past it..

Level 9, playing on Linux, I can use various ways to bypass the barrier, using my SUPER key, but it always says failure, essentially I show up in the right place and just click the goal.

Here's how i got a score of 29. (my first two score I hadn't noticedl the first trick) I clicked 6 or so times quickly on the level 1 goal. It then took me to level 7 i think. Since level 7 takes forever i right clicked and clicked settings, then i right clicked the little menu on the microphone page and hit forward twice (this method didn't work for me on the bonus level though). This took me to the level 9 and i beat that one twice using the proper method and then did level 10 somehow. If you took out the 0 scores i'd be in first with my uber cheats. they might have come from a packet editor where they can alter the data that the program sends (rather complicated to use though and might be illegal).

I can't even get past Level 1!!! I'm such a n00b!!!

How do you beat level ten?

yeah... serious glitch:

just keep clicking the "goal button" and it takes you through however many levels as u clicked

i found this by being impatient on level 4

that's also how i beat 10 :)

(go to 9 and click twice.)

and got my 0 score :) (Haz)

Level 6 is not working.
I tried the Tab-Cheat, so I can go to the green square on the right by pressing tab und then enter or space to activate it, but the game still says "failure".

Just tested it, it work fine for me?

You don't happen to play an older version at another site? If so, the level 6 might be a little bit glitchy, but the "correct" way has always worked.

The "correct" way:
Before starting the level, position the mouse over the goal area, then press tab to highlight the start button and space or enter to "click" it, click the goal.

ugh, will you stop saying tab plz? tab automatically makes the people who cant get past 6's character (mouse) die. unless theres another way that isnt as f***ed up as making the window smaller or pressing tab, were completely screwed.

See above reply.

Loved it, awesome idea for a game. Very creative and refreshing. And a very nice style

Now whats dreamworx got up his sleeve next?

Thanks! Who's dreamworx though? ;D

Just kidding.. Well, first there's Newgrounds Pass 3 which I will resume working on when Nick turns up again, then I will make a game with chillyphilly which I believe will be resembling Metal Slug. After that I might make a "Cheat2Win2", but I've planning on making a site of my own for a while now so that might take priority, we'll see :)

i figured it out it wasnt that hard you just have to use your brain

Good for you :)

Just a question

Do you work in As 2 or 3?

AS2. I bought the "AS3 Bible", Essential Actionscript 3.0, several months ago but I still haven't come around to take the step :P

Just saying ive released a game today

I would really really love some comments from you no matter how small.

Cool, congratulations on your first submission! I'll go take a look at it and leave a review for you :)

As it finishes loading, it constantly scrolls through level 1, to 2, to a random bunch of screens, to the loading screen, to the main menu, and so on, and so on... I haven't tested it on IE, but this has happened to me in FireFox

That doesn't really sound like an error in the game. Is your flash player up to date?

(Linux, dwm, Keybindings working with Mod4 (Windows-Key))

Level 9 says I'm not cheating, even though I did. I used Windows+2 to get to workspace two, moved the mouse to the goal, clicked and got a failture.

Ok, I'm sorry, I didn't give any thought to Linux when I made the game :/

Level 3 -> you can't go from the white lines.... tried 50 times!!!
i'm not going to try 50 more

On level 3 you can't go over the lines, that's level 4.

How do you beat level 9? i tried everything! what do you mean by press the start button after you start the level?

Yeah, I messed that up, I meant the Windows button.. Sorry about that :/

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