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knugen's News

Posted by knugen - May 8th, 2011

I'm finally working on a new project; almost a year since my last one!

Here's a little preview for you :) As it is an alpha it's a bit buggy and misses a lot of features that I intend to have in the final game, but feedback is as always welcome! Also, if you happen to possess mad artistic skill and would like to work with me on this let me know :)

Posted by knugen - February 7th, 2011

I sometimes gets ideas for products but never do anything about them, simply cause I don't really know how. After seeing JackSmack usage of Quirky.com I decided to try it out!


So, eh.. it will probably only make sense if you play starcraft or perhaps if you play other online games regularly. So if you do please vote on it and it might actually be produced! And if you don't play please vote anyway because you love me :D

Posted by knugen - November 11th, 2010

So I've made two new GreaseMonkey scripts for Newgrounds. Check em out in the thread!

(Short and sweet post mainly to get rid of my three months old "it's my birthday" post, yey)

Posted by knugen - August 9th, 2010

too bad there's no advantage to being 21 here (as opposed to 20) when it comes to alcohol, or basically anything

looking forward to cake though :3

Posted by knugen - July 17th, 2010

(Might as well use up a front page post for this, it's not like I use them for anything else :P )

Heya, I've got two games that should both be released shortly:

Tankmen 2: The Chase

A small game I'll be releasing tomorrow. It's "open beta" so just try it out and tell me what you think :)

EDIT: It's up!

Little Cannon

A much more serious game I started working on ages ago. It's done except for some API issues, and Luis will be kind enough to touch up the graphics for me since it's sponsored by Newgrounds :) I'm a bit more restrictive when it comes to beta testing for this one, you'll have to ask and then I might give you access.

EDIT: This one's up as well! Unfortunately Luis wasn't able to do the graphics this past week as we planned, so you'll have to live with my "programmer art" :P


Posted by knugen - May 6th, 2010


Sorry about the delay folks, gotta prioritize projects that brings in more immediate cash atm since I don't receive any study allowance during summer =/ Putting up the old version at this point would feel silly so I'll go directly for the redesign when I do get to it. I can't make any promises for when that will be though I'm afraid, just hang in there!


Link for those of you who don't know about it.

I'll simply put a copy of a post I made just now here.


At 5/6/10 02:29 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote:
| Nevermind that shit, get NG Medals back up.

There was some identity thefts going on, so I was planning to add a simple system for banning the ones responsible. Thinking about perhaps just putting that damn redesign together already instead of wasting time on that old code that's frankly really ugly and hard to maintain, in that case it the site might be down for a couple of weeks though.. at best.. I'm really swamped atm :(


I think the fact that I hada functional site up made it too easy for me to procrastinate the redesign that I've had planned for ages. So like I said above, for now I will let the site remain down. Files and data are secure so I can put the old version up again in case things take way too long.

Please feel free to send me the occasional "get off your lazy butt and do some work" PM's so that I know there are people missing the site ^^ Without that knowledge I might not ever make it, after all I'm not that much of a medal hunter myself and I do this mainly for you guys <3

Posted by knugen - April 7th, 2010

We have a winner for the Little Cannon Level Making Contest!

Here are the people who made levels that I have decided to include in the final version of the game:
- DeadClever23 (x2)
- Fion
- Katie
- the_tawtle

To spice things up a bit I decided to make a program that randomly decides the winner in a somewhat graphically pleasing way. I have not yet contacted the winner, and I would like it if nobody else did neither, so that s/he can see the video for him-/herself. I will contact the winner tomorrow if I hear nothing from him/her before that. I suggest that anybody who wants to see the video and not have it spoiled doesn't scroll down below it :)

Last one left wins!

/* */

Posted by knugen - April 4th, 2010

Last week I announced a level making contest, but I haven't gotten as many quality levels as I had hoped for. So if you manage to make a good level your chances of winning are big!

I will keep this post short so that the most important points gets across, for more details check out my last news post:

- Play the game here, use the editor here (read instructions below the editor!)
- Prize is $25 for which you can shop in the NG store
- Levels that you want to enter into the contest must:
- - be possible to finish with bronze, silver and gold rank (ie at least two stars total)
- - be significantly harder to finish with a gold rank (taking all stars) than with bronze
- Also, levels that you want to enter into the contest should be fun and creative
- No matter how it works out this time, contest ends on Wednesday

btw, here's a trailer me and a friend whipped up yesterday :) Music by Waterflame.

/* */

Posted by knugen - March 27th, 2010

Alright, so finally I've got a new game coming up :) It's a physics based game, probably not the most original you'll ever see, but the level editor makes up for that ;)

I've set up a small site for the game and the editor here. As you can see the levels aren't very exciting, but that's where you come in! I will make a bunch of levels myself, but 24 levels made by the same person will probably get boring so I hereby issue a contest :)


Use the editor to make awesome levels (make sure to read the instructions below the editor), then post the ID of your created level here below. To prevent people from "stealing" levels from each other you need to enter your NG alias in the author field when you save.

The amount of levels I choose to include into the game depends on the quality of what you guys produce. Among the levels that makes it I will choose a random winner, and if you get several levels into the game you have a bigger chance of winning! The prize is $25 which you can spend in the NG store! I haven't actually contacted the staff about this yet, but I will right after writing this and I can't imagine it being a problem. Worst case scenario I will just PayPal you the money or make the order for you.

Here are some pointers on what kind of levels I would like:

- Not very hard to beat with a bronze rank (less than half the stars)
- It should be quite a bit harder to get gold rank, but it must be possible to take all the stars
- Levels must be fun :)

I will announce the winner with my front page post next week! And don't forget that everybody who gets their level(s) into the game gets credited, so even if you don't win you will still have something to show for it :-)

Btw, general feedback on the game is also welcome :)

Make levels for my new game, win NG store credit!

Posted by knugen - March 2nd, 2010


Made a thread for this purpose instead, I probably wont keep this news post up to date.


GreaseMonkey Scripts for Newgrounds

-I just today started to explore the possibilities of GreaseMonkey, an addon for FF (and now directly integrated into Chrome!). Basically it allows for custom JavaScript to run on any website after it has finished loading, opening for loads of modification possibilities.

I will keep this news post up to date with the scripts I make, as well as noteworthy scripts by others. Also, feel free to make wishes on scripts you would like to see made! Remember that it doesn't have to be for the BBS only, although most of the scripts currently are.

These scripts works in FF and Chrome (4 and above), it's possible that other browsers supports GM in some way as well but I'm leaving that for you to find out :P

For FF you will first need the plugin, then you can install the scripts I list below.

In Chrome 4 and above it's as easy as clicking install!

My Scripts

Newgrounds BBS Direct Post Links | Preview
Adds a button to each post in the BBS, allowing you to link to it directly.

Newgrounds BBS User Stats Links | Preview
Adds two links to citricsquid's site tools above each post in the BBS:
- Threads (a complete listing of the threads created by the user)
- Online (show stats for a user's BBS usage)

Newgrounds BBS Thread Watch | Preview/Instructions
Keeps track of the threads your interested in and puts them at the top of the forum when new posts have been made in them!

Other Scripts

BBS Online Indicator | Preview
BBS Online Indicator - includes an online/offline indicator next to BBS posts and a users last online time! (By citricsquid)

Check out userscripts.org