I'm a Swedish plumber, I'm here to fix your pipes


Codin 'n stuffs


Joined on 2/7/05

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Getting desperate?

Yep :O

Nah not really. On those occasions that I've been able to set my mind to it I've actually been able to make quite a lot of decent/good levels myself, so even if this contest doesn't spawn a single more usable level I've still got enough content (although only just).

I do have a couple of contest submissions that will make it in as well, so I'm still going to give out the prize and I just hope to get a bit more bang for the buck :P

I can't even test the level I started making? I followed the instructions but it won't load from in the game so you've probably got a level I just started floating about in your system being useless :P

260? Works for me =/


Nice intro ;)


I made level 269, but it may be too difficult (that's why you have 6 balls though).

Also, I was really creative with the name (sorry).

created one, level ID: 271, pretty simple, so I dont expect winning on this one ;D

I am not making a level until I am able to test it.

I dont know why you don't understand that this is essential for making levels.. How do we even know if you can complete the damn thing? I said that to you last time and you never fixed it..

Also there's a glitch now, I cant seem to change the properties of the items, clicking the mouse gets rid of the item and the properties, so I am unable to change it.

Hey sorry, I just woke up, I figured it all out now, I am retarded I know :(
Disregard everything I just said, :) Thanks

But I did notice a glitch where sometimes the game will run at like 60 frames/second instead of 30 or w/e it is.

280, FTW!

I don't know what I was thinking when I made 274, it doesn't even meet your requirements (getting gold is pretty much the same as getting bronze).


Made one more. 285

I wish I could test it and go back to it.. then I would dedicate some time to making a decent level lol

As long as you keep the editor open you can re-save it as many times as you want.


Just finished another one. 292!

I just finished level 298, it's a hard level where you get two balls per basket, and it's a bit tricky to get all the stars. I thought about including one or two more stars to make it more difficult but I wanted to keep it simple without adding too much objects, and I think that the outcome wasn't bad at all..

By the way, I played this on a slow computer I noticed how the game gets considerably laggier when there are walls (in either sides, top or bottom). It seemed that it didn't matter the amount of objects on screen, the walls just made the game lag. I'm just saying this because the game could be a pain in the as to play in slow computers, so you may want to consider changing some of the magic ActionScript to fix this.

Yeah I've noticed a quite heavy lag when playing on my old laptop, unfortunately it has been hard to optimize as it seems most of the really demanding code lies within box2d.

This theory about the walls being to blame is one that I would never have discovered myself. I'm still a little bit skeptical just how much difference it does, but in the box2d world those walls are like 12-14 meters and it supposedly works best with objects smaller than 10 meters. So I will try splitting each of them up into two, hopefully it will make a noticeable difference on performance, thanks :)