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Make levels for my new game, win NG store credit!

Posted by knugen - March 27th, 2010

Alright, so finally I've got a new game coming up :) It's a physics based game, probably not the most original you'll ever see, but the level editor makes up for that ;)

I've set up a small site for the game and the editor here. As you can see the levels aren't very exciting, but that's where you come in! I will make a bunch of levels myself, but 24 levels made by the same person will probably get boring so I hereby issue a contest :)


Use the editor to make awesome levels (make sure to read the instructions below the editor), then post the ID of your created level here below. To prevent people from "stealing" levels from each other you need to enter your NG alias in the author field when you save.

The amount of levels I choose to include into the game depends on the quality of what you guys produce. Among the levels that makes it I will choose a random winner, and if you get several levels into the game you have a bigger chance of winning! The prize is $25 which you can spend in the NG store! I haven't actually contacted the staff about this yet, but I will right after writing this and I can't imagine it being a problem. Worst case scenario I will just PayPal you the money or make the order for you.

Here are some pointers on what kind of levels I would like:

- Not very hard to beat with a bronze rank (less than half the stars)
- It should be quite a bit harder to get gold rank, but it must be possible to take all the stars
- Levels must be fun :)

I will announce the winner with my front page post next week! And don't forget that everybody who gets their level(s) into the game gets credited, so even if you don't win you will still have something to show for it :-)

Btw, general feedback on the game is also welcome :)

Make levels for my new game, win NG store credit!




kewl mang helo ^______________________^

You go to bed this instant, it's late here in Sweden!

I'll see what I can do. But first I just wanted to say your opening sequence with your crown logo looks fantastic! I love it!

Thanks, chillyphilly is the one who should be praised as he did it for me :)

I made one. Making the maps are quite fun, gotta say.
It's also a little tedious, having to go to a desperate window to test a map.

The one I made is ID #152

Yeah, I might combine them later on, but currently the game builds on a game framework and the level editor doesn't. They are both AS3 so it's not as big a difference as it may sound, but it would probably take one or two full days to integrate them both into one.

Shit. I meant "separate" window, not "desperate" window.

ID: 163

That's me.

Level 162 is mine, It's rather nice, and not so hard to finish, but takes some doing to figure out, and all the stars can be collected.


Also make it stand out how 'r' can be used to restart, I did a lot of scrolling before I found that out.

Other than that a nice game :)


Thats mine...tll me what you think...i might make more if you like it...

Oh you appreciation whore :) It's a really nice level, one of my favorites so far but it's probably too easy to make it into the game.

well I did make a level but unfortunately there is no way of playing it as it seems.. So how can I even tell if its beatable? You need to have a play button for us to be able to make levels for you, otherwise they will suck and/or need a lot of tweeking.

Instructions are below the editor.

My level number is 176, hope people make lots of content!

ID: 179 it is quite tricky, or well its super easy but noone know dat :D

Jag skulle vilja göra en bana. Men jag e lite upptagen. :(


well you always need a break level, you know an easy one in between all the hard ones...it causes the player to overthink sometimes


I'll give it a try :)
(BTW, the link in the Message of the Day isn't working).

Hm, it used to :( It's just a link to Google, so you're not missing out on anything, but I will have to take a look at that..

The game throws errors at me constantly when there's too many objects on stage. Also is there any actual point to the console.

Hey, you shouldn't know of the console :P But no, there's not much you can do with it. It comes with the framework I'm using and I mostly used it before to call functions without having to create buttons for them and stuff like that.

And yeah, too many objects will break the game. I will do some performance enhancing next then we'll see how that works. I will either have to limit the editor or put some kind of warning there not to make too many objects.

I don't know if you were aware of this (maybe you did it on purpose), but in levels when you have a high number of balls, you can just aim for the basket at first and then use the remaining balls to collect all the stars. Then you press enter and you get a gold rank.

My point is that you shouldn't be able to collect more stars after all baskets have been filled.

It's on purpose actually, I don't really see the point of annoying players by limiting it for them like that.

Bug report: If you keeping pressing enter at the end of a level you can vote over an over again. Unless you can actually only vote once and it just appears you're voting again.

Thanks :) Only your first vote for each level registers, but I will take care of that anyway.

Oh, if you did it on purpose it's OK.

Now, please take a look at level #199. My idea was to shoot the cannon so that the ball lands on the second star (the one which is further away), sending the "extra ball" which is on the spinning platform to the air. However, this doesn't work, because the other ball doesn't move :(

Also, if the ball you shoot touches the ball on the platform, it disappears :(

Ah yeah, nice idea but that's not what that ball is for. You can pick it up for an extra ball :) It's a bit vague, I know and I'm sorry about that. If you have any idea on how to remake it so that it's clearer I'm all ears.

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