(Might as well use up a front page post for this, it's not like I use them for anything else :P )
Heya, I've got two games that should both be released shortly:
A small game I'll be releasing tomorrow. It's "open beta" so just try it out and tell me what you think :)
EDIT: It's up!
A much more serious game I started working on ages ago. It's done except for some API issues, and Luis will be kind enough to touch up the graphics for me since it's sponsored by Newgrounds :) I'm a bit more restrictive when it comes to beta testing for this one, you'll have to ask and then I might give you access.
EDIT: This one's up as well! Unfortunately Luis wasn't able to do the graphics this past week as we planned, so you'll have to live with my "programmer art" :P
Well, I would love to do beta-testing for Little Cannon if possible. Also, Tankmen 2: The Chase was actually well done. It had nice graphics, good gameplay, good use of Jeff's voice; honestly, the only thing that I found wrong with it is that it was a little too easy, to be perfectly honest. You could easily avoid the enemy, the obstacles, and the life pick-ups seemed to be too close inbetween. I do realize that you can't probably fix that (I honestly don't know if you can or not, just pondering on the thought).
Added you as a beta tester :) Check out the notes above before getting on it
There's always ways to add difficulty to a game. This one gets harder over time with less powerups and more bumps. I'll try tweaking these values a bit, but at the same time there's a medal coming up at a certain distance and I don't want it to be completely impossible ;)