I'm a Swedish plumber, I'm here to fix your pipes


Codin 'n stuffs


Joined on 2/7/05

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knugen's News

Posted by knugen - June 16th, 2009

I've had a productive day :)

Click this link
or this
or perhaps this.
You might as well click this one
because it doesn't really matter :D

It's still in beta, but I just finished up the essential functions, all I'm going to do before the first 'official' release is add more stuffz to the database. But check it out in the meantime, keep an eye out for bugs and typos, and tell me what you think :)

(Half-assed screenie below)

EDIT: I still consider it Beta, but I suppose that it has been officially launched, so go ahead and use it. k?


Posted by knugen - June 10th, 2009

...ruinin teh Malteses' day!

Magnificent bastards.. :)

Damn Swedes...

Posted by knugen - June 6th, 2009

...ruinin mah day!

Lucky bastards..

Damn Danes...

Posted by knugen - May 7th, 2009

Cheat2Win today became my second game to reach one million views!

Since I think that the question will come up: I have a sequel in mind, but I have stuff to do before might get on that. Ideas and suggestions are welcome btw :)

That is all.

Posted by knugen - March 25th, 2009

So I think that I've finally come up with a nice graphic profile which is simple enough for me to being able to draw it myself.

And it's all thanks to a can of beer, see pic :)

For those of you who don't know the story behind my name (basically everybody? :D):
In Swedish kung = king, kungen = the king, and knugen = a nickname for the Swedish king (because he's dyslectic)

My graphic profile :)

Posted by knugen - March 9th, 2009

Just got my new monitor. This MultiScreen thing is going to be very handy :)

[Full res version]

2048 x 1152 = win

Posted by knugen - February 25th, 2009

I am so blaming the guy who made this if I don't get my school report made in time ;)

(Edit: I made the deadline, with a whole hour to spare :D )

function eye(posX:Number, posY:Number, obj:Graphics):void {
with(obj) {
lineStyle(0, 0, 0);
drawCircle(posX, posY, 14);

drawCircle(posX, posY - 5, 5);

var mc:Sprite = new Sprite();
with (mc.graphics) {
lineStyle(10, 0x010101);
drawCircle(0, 0, 70);

lineStyle(0, 0, 0);
drawCircle(0, 5, 55);

lineStyle(12, 0x010101);
moveTo(-65, -65);
lineTo(0, -5);
lineTo(65, -65);
lineStyle(10, 0x010101);
moveTo(-58, 50);
curveTo( 0, -8, 58, 50);

eye(30, 0, mc.graphics);
eye(-30, 0, mc.graphics);

mc.x = stage.stageWidth / 2;
mc.y = stage.stageHeight / 2 + 50;

var bgNoise:BitmapData = new BitmapData(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight, true, 0xFF0000);
bgNoise.perlinNoise(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight, 10, 47, false, false, 1, false);
var bgBmp:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bgNoise);




Drawing w/ AS

Posted by knugen - February 9th, 2009

Alright, so the Flash forum is probably one of the better forums on NG when it comes to people's behavior and attitude against each other.. But it can always get better, right?

I got the idea for this from the "kudos systems" that I've seen a few other forums use: Simply when someone makes a good post s/he gets one point, and in case of a bad post s/he could lose one. These stats would all be compiled into a list, and if many people uses the system then it should help improving the overall quality of posts :)

Now, NG does not have a system like this, and the staff probably have loads of stuff that would prioritize over it. But if you guys like this idea then an alternative is that I make a news post where people can suggest (there would have to be some kind of "quality control" of course) people that should get/lose points, and also where the list is administrated.

So, what do you think? Worth a try? :)

Btw, the reason why I talk about the Flash forum specifically is because that's where I spend almost all my time. Also, it might be good to limit the size of the list. If someone would like to apply this to another forum then go right ahead :)

Posted by knugen - February 7th, 2009

..marks the 4th birthday of my account :)

Posted by knugen - January 28th, 2009


Rudy have had some contact with the admins, and they say:

"BTW we tracked down that delete problem - it was related to a new web server that went live this week, so we're still sorting that out but in the meantime stuff won't get deleted anymore."


It seems to be some kind of problem with NG's file system, so when you try to update your submission it gets deleted. It appears to happen when you upload a new version of the .swf, but to be on the safe side you might want to refrain from editing anything at all.

This has not happened to me, but to Rudy and Montycarlo (and maybe somebody else as well?). I am merely making this post to warn everyone, I think the admins are likely to do the same with a news post if it's not an easy fix.