Do I need to elaborate?
If yes:
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Same context (important WC qualifier match), same teams, same stadium, same goal, same scorer, almost exactly four years earlier:
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I'm a Swedish plumber, I'm here to fix your pipes
Codin 'n stuffs
Joined on 2/7/05
Posted by knugen - September 5th, 2009
Do I need to elaborate?
If yes:
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Same context (important WC qualifier match), same teams, same stadium, same goal, same scorer, almost exactly four years earlier:
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he is from my country...he is croatian :))))))))
now im proud :D
Pfft, only his parents are; Zlatan himself is born and raised in Sweden ;)
Edit: Apparently only his mom is Croatian even ;)
Wait, who was that? where are they? what's going on?!?
Ah, whatever! GO WHOEVER-YOU-ARE! YAH!
LOL the commentators are intense in euro football :P
When it's about life and death you really can't blame them :D
Henke Larsson är dock bättre :D
Mja, i landslaget _har_ han varit bättre så långt, men just nu är ju Mr. Z helt klart en bättre spelare ;)
Han kan verka korkad, men spela fotboll, det kan han!
He may seem stupid, but he sure can play football! (Or soccer if you're american, lol)
Does he seem stupid? ^^
he's bosnian in blood! zlatan is the best FC i ever saw!!!
He's my fave on Fifa 09.
Shoddy keeping and clear handball. Shocker!
Not to mention retarded defense with no depth perception!
No Swede cared about any of that yesterday though, that I can promise :)
Can't wait to see Ibrahimovic at Barca! He'd work really well with Messi, xavi and of course, Iniesta :D
Jag har aldrig tyckt om Zlatan men det är verkligen för epic!
Höw dïd ÿöü mänägë tö chängë üsërnämë? :Ö
Cöntäctëd Töm Fülp.
Yayay, I changed username too^^
Coolio :) What's the story behind it?
It's my nickname "Assi" and my initials OS ;p
ok :)
Sverige ftw.