Well, I were never really gone, just very limited: I used 'mobile broadband' for a little while before I had the choice of either sending it back and pay nothing for it, or keeping it for a minimum of 18 months and pay like $25 a month for something that I would barely use after I got regular broadband. That was an easy choice, especially since school started again and I could use the computers there to satisfy my addiction to NG a few times a week.
Anyhow, nearly five months after I moved into my apartment I finally have broadband!
...That is all, move along.
In Cheat2Win, what script did you use for the Windows button? (The one that opens up the start menu) What was the key code? (AKA: Left-click=1, Right-click=2, S=78 or something, etc.)
I don't remember, and I'm not home atm so I can't check. I'll drop you a PM with the answer when I know :)