I'm a Swedish plumber, I'm here to fix your pipes


Codin 'n stuffs


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Monthly 5th, new school, and some other stuff

Posted by knugen - September 16th, 2008

Why hello there :)

I haven't been on here as much the last 3-4 weeks, since it will take about a month more for me to get broadband in my apartment (a certain Swedish tele/tv/broadband company is upgrading the network here, and it should have been finished already before I moved in this July, let's just hope they keep the current timeplan..) and the "mobile broadband" that I used until somewhat recently I sent back because I had the option to either do that or bind myself to it for another 18 months (not a very tough decision, seeing as I most likely wont use it at all after I get regular broadband) :/

So anyhow, I can still access NG and use some features through my mobile phone (browse and read PM's, not much more though :[ ), and since I started school again I can use their computers but I usually don't have very much time for this when I'm there. So, now you know the reason for my absence, whether you care or not ;P


Speaking of school; I nowadays study programming for computer games at Sweden's equivalent to college (at least I think that's it), so for the three years ahead I will get closer to the work that I've dreamt of since I was about 6-7 :) We do programming in C++, but I will make sure to use the knowledge I get there to make some kick-ass flash games as well ;)


I have saved the best for last: Cheat2Win was voted the #5 game of all of August! :D

This is by far my biggest accomplishment yet I would say. Winning a monthly prize on NG is something I've dreamt of since I first started making Flash but that I doubted that I would ever actually do. So, this is basically a dream coming true! That award certificate will definitely get the best spot on my wall ;D


yay! the cheat2win win was definitely deserved :)

ty :)

Well done mate. You deserve it :)

Thanks man :D

I personally didn't like Cheat2Win all that much. Parts of it were pretty clever, but I think there should be more than one way to beat some of the later levels.

Newgrounds Pass 3 will own for sure, though!

I can see your point, but there are different ways to beat the last ones (although I didn't intend for so many ways to be possible, people just keeps finding new ones ;D ).

NGP3 will be awesome :) I'm not involved with it anymore though, because of the problems with my internet I had to drop out :/ Nick's still using two of the levels I made, I think, but much of the code that I wrote ended up being of no use for him since we have different coding styles and it would be very hard to for him to finish that stuff after I went offline.