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Posted by knugen - August 13th, 2008

I have received a few PM's lately from a certain someone who has made a similar a game to my Cheat2Win, and who claims that I should have scanned through the Internet before making my game to make absolutely sure that it was completely original.

Considering the time I took to write him this reply, I figured that I should share it with the rest of NG as well for teh lulz (out of respect, I have left out his name, if anybody wants to know who he is you should be able to find that out through the clues given below though :P):

||-- PM START --||

At 8/13/08 2:12 PM, x wrote:
: No, Ive looked around on newgrounds, Abs, holy lemon, etc and found nothing of my game type.
Oh rly?!
Oh rly?! (2)

Either you lie, or you're retarded and don't know how to use a search bar.

What you seem to be forgetting is that I never claimed that my game was 100% original. What I do say is that I came up with the general idea on my own, and I added more stuff that I came up with on my own to it. See the difference? What you even more seem to be forgetting is that flash games rarely have completely original concepts.

I have put together this scenario in which I do what I, based on what you have said, should have done. Let's see if you think that sounds reasonable:

On the bus home from a rough day in school knugen came up with a cool idea for a flash game, in which you had to cheat to beat the game. Eager to get started with his new game he opens up Flash directly when he comes home. "But wait!", he thinks and opens up his browser, "What if some n00b already had this idea and made an awfully crappy game of it!!". To his despair he finds that there is indeed a game with roughly the same base concept as the one he had in mind. It was called "The Cheating Game", it had a 2.4 score on NG. The author obviously didn't know much about Flash: his game was full of glitches and it was awfully ugly. knugen's urge to rip his own eyes out grew larger and larger, until he couldn't take it anymore and he shut the game down. Devastated that somebody else already had made a game that would wear a resemblance to the game knugen had in mind, he dyed his hair black and sat down in the corner of his room where he cried endlessly and cut his own wrists.

Eventually he pulled his act together and made a game where the objective was to collect lol-energy by tickling 53 space beavers in two minutes. The game was bound to fail, as opposed to his idea of a Cheating-game, but hey; at least it was original!

Now I ask you, do you think that knugen made the right choice?

Now, notice how I put down a decent amount of time trying to explain this as clearly as I possibly can to you. The least you can do is to actually read and think about it, a reply on this that is as retarded as your last PM's will result in me sending this exact same PM again (this procedure will be repeated for as long as you insist on being retarded).


||-- PM END --||


that guy is any or a combonation of the folowing: jelous,control freak,ignorant,idiotic
and needs anger management

That pm you sent to him is epic pwn. Lol. Amen to you.

Lulz. I think I'm in love.

Nicely done, you should make a tutorial out of this stuff! "Dealing with asshats on the internet 101".

P.S. I can see how this guy is jealouse, but why do you say he's a control freak harry2469?

LOL!!! awesome but you just have to make "Eventually he pulled his act together and made a game where the objective was to collect lol-energy by tickling 53 space beavers in two minutes" pleease come on you have to make a game like that i would show my friends and have a good laugh

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/assets/angry_face.swf">http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/assets/
angry_face.swf</a> is that what ur pic if from?


Im on your side

Give me his adress and ill kill him for you : D