Good to have you back man! :D
I'm a Swedish plumber, I'm here to fix your pipes
Codin 'n stuffs
Joined on 2/7/05
Good to have you back man! :D
Good to be back :)
Hey hey hows it?
Hey :)
Nothing going on in Flash atm. The reason for that that I do a lot of coding for school stuff in C++, and while I do have quite a lot of spare time making Flash just isn't really what I want to do the most when I get home. I think that I will have some major use of the C++ I have learned over the past few months for Flash as well though, once I get on it again that is (hopefully pretty soon :] ).
In Cheat2Win, what script did you use for the Windows button? (The one that opens up the start menu) What was the key code? (AKA: Left-click=1, Right-click=2, S=78 or something, etc.)
I don't remember, and I'm not home atm so I can't check. I'll drop you a PM with the answer when I know :)