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Battle Tank on the front page

Posted by knugen - December 4th, 2007

I was a bit worried that I might have lost my privilege to post news on the front page when the rules changed, it turns out that I still have it though with the difference that I can only post every 14 days ;)

So, to my big surprise my, latest game (Battle Tank) made it onto the front page. I was very surprised as it got there about a day after the awards for the day I submitted it was handed out (and it barely made the top 10), I thought it was forgotten about long ago.

A part of me wish it were though.. I agree with most of the reviews saying that it has many flaws, that it's boring, repetitive, etc. I think that I started this project in February, and from the very beginning I had many things that I planned to add which would improve it. But these motivation drops that I have had so much trouble with for a while now made that impossible, the game was put on hold and after a while I just wanted to forget about it. I felt that I didn't want all those hours spent on it to just get lost though, so eventually I finished it and made sure it was at least somewhat decent so that I could forget about it and move on. The fact that much of it is really old and way worse than I would be able to make today prevents me from being all happy about getting the front page, I'm well aware of things that could be improved on it, but people wont know that. Now, I may not have that a big reputation to care about, but that's still how I feel about it ;)

Anyhow, enough about old stuff and on to current. My main project now is a sequel to OrbMania; it basically has the same gameplay as the original, but I'm adding as many features as I can think of, like levels, powerups (and downs), fancy effects and more :) The game is already coming along well, I might very well use my next front page post in two weeks to find people who can beta test ;) My plan after the end of this project is to finally get on learning Actionscript 3, which I'm really looking forward to.

In other news. I'm making my own website, which will be sort of a portfolio with a blog thingy.. Original, ey? ;) Anyhow, working on this site has really made me motivated to redo almost the whole of the current kungfugaming.com-site, the making of my site will most be a bit of a 'warm-up' as I never made any this size before. Actually, I never made any site at all before, just small parts XP

So now you know a bit of what I will be doing over the holidays, maybe there's even one or two of you out there who cares ;)

Random nice stuff:
-I just ordered a XBOX 360 :) If anybody wants to play me on COD4 just give me a shout and once I've gotten used to playing FPS with controller we can take a match or two.
-Got to level 25 yesterday, the icon for this level is pretty neat I think :)
-Battle Tank won the bonus for being one of the three best games in November in MaxGames contest. . The thing was just that nobody else entered last month ^^,


battle tank was a bit hard due to the controls, but i liked it and voted high.

Thanks, the controls is probably what I like best about the game though ^^,

That game was awesome, congrats on the front page! The best part is that me and you both have something on the front page at the same time, we're slowly taking over Newgrounds >:)

Nae, I don't think it was awesome, decent at best ;) Yeah, that's cool, I also kinda know Britishmoose who made 'Webcamoose', which is on the front page now as well :)

Screw the reviews!
Front page, man!!!

Well, that's an alternative point of view ^^

Kinda know!? Harsh >:(

Haha, well I can't say that I know you and neither can I say that I don't. No need for angry faices ;D

Well, it looked like a real good game when I tested it, and it seems way better thanks to our comments. Good job with it man!

I can't really agree on that it's a good game, it's definitely better thanks to you beta testers though :)

It's much awesomer than the beta, good job! Looks like that big glitch I found hasn't popped up yet so thats good too.

It was a good game. I like the controls too. The graphics were pretty good also.
A<a href="http://www..">www..</a>. Now I want Flash more than ever... :-[

~Because I can

Just a question how do you make a post on the front page? Cause its been alot longer then 30 days since my last one!

The rules were changed not long ago. Now only users with at least one award that's not UOTW (I think) or TOTW, or one or more flashes that have been popular on NG without winning any awards, can post on the front page. So just keep working and you'll get there soon enough :)

I would of expected frontpage for this at all :S
How much did you pay them :P /joke

This game was good, but not frontpage material, not imo anyway

I completely agree, several other submissions of mine that deserved it more didn't get it but this did.. There's just too many spots for games on the front page to fill them up with quality stuff :/

Wow, Battle Tank was awesome.. It's strange that the score isn't higher. It's worth at least 4!

Ah, COD4, I've played that on ps3, I can never get passed the Chernobyl(sp?) level!

By the way, I read your other posts... <a href="http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=meme">http://www.urbandictionary.com/define .php?term=meme</a>

I think he meant the 7th one, it was a bit on an odd thing to say though :S

Good luck with the site anywho!

I have cleared COD twice, once on the hardest level (damn xbox achievements system, it's too addicting ;P )

Haha, yeah that's probably what he meant :D

Thanks, it's coming along really great! Much of the code for it is finished, and before I can finally put the beta up there's only some work with the overall design (thank god for css ;D ) and making sure that the security is good enough :)