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An idea to improve the Flash forum?

Posted by knugen - February 9th, 2009

Alright, so the Flash forum is probably one of the better forums on NG when it comes to people's behavior and attitude against each other.. But it can always get better, right?

I got the idea for this from the "kudos systems" that I've seen a few other forums use: Simply when someone makes a good post s/he gets one point, and in case of a bad post s/he could lose one. These stats would all be compiled into a list, and if many people uses the system then it should help improving the overall quality of posts :)

Now, NG does not have a system like this, and the staff probably have loads of stuff that would prioritize over it. But if you guys like this idea then an alternative is that I make a news post where people can suggest (there would have to be some kind of "quality control" of course) people that should get/lose points, and also where the list is administrated.

So, what do you think? Worth a try? :)

Btw, the reason why I talk about the Flash forum specifically is because that's where I spend almost all my time. Also, it might be good to limit the size of the list. If someone would like to apply this to another forum then go right ahead :)


doesn't sounds bad...

why don't you try posting the idea here <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/973138">http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/9 73138</a>
the admins are hearing ideas there

Guess I could try posting it there, that's a lot of ideas though and the chances of making this a reality are probably slim. But if this works out well with a news post-thingy than I suppose that they might consider it :)

Sounds like a good idea. It just reminds me too much of almost every free forum out there.

Perhaps, Mochiads' forums for example seems to have good use for this though :)

True, true.

I still think it seems a little overdone and its on every free forum. I also think it would be abused (if it was where you could simply give them points or whatever the points would be)

Maybe points could be used to get discounts on stuff in the store or something. Points wouldn't really be a big deal unless they helped in some way. They would just become another stat like post count.

I do have a few ideas for how to limit the abuse, which I think will work well.

And I don't think that the points would need to have a concrete value: like you said, it would be like the post count, and I think that most users care about their post count (more or less) :D

I think a way to limit abuse is to have it be like voting. Plus throwing in stuff like no more than 3 people per day or something like that.

I guess your right, but I think it'd be worth more and promote more good posts if you get some reward. Post count goes up whether your post is good or bad so it doesn't matter if people make good posts for that. But if there were points people would want discounts or whatever so they would make better posts.

If it could be linked to the store or something that would of course be really cool :)

It is however not going to happen as there is always a risk for abuse (especially so on an unofficial version that is not integrated into the site), and I don't doubt that a simple stat on each user's profile (in case of an official version) would be enough to motivate people: Just look at whistle points, b/p, and stuff like that :)

i agree with aldiv, post ideas on there because theres probably more of a chance that THAT forum will be read than this post yes? Just my thought..

I did post there actually, but the post got deleted, probably because this idea has already been suggested (and perhaps declined).

I think it would work with a built in reputation system like vBulletin uses, but manually keeping a list would just get messy and probably just wouldnt work. There would be arguements over people dishing out too much rep, giving it only to friends and perhaps even people attacking the idea because whoevers keeping the list would have more "power" (not implying you wouldnt be a good person for the job! :) ).

I dunno, i like it I just think without a built in system it would fail.

Yeah, those are pretty much my main concerns as well.

I'm not sure if I shall make a try, an idea always seems to get less good the more you think about it x) Except for time I suppose, there's not really anything to lose though.


I am.. kinda :)